Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Who Is There? (A Christmas Poem)

Who is there, at Christmas time
whose action follow words

Who is there, at Christmas time
as children fight the hurt?

Who is there, at Christmas time
to fill a stomach's ache

Who is there, at Christmas time
a difference there to make?

Who is there, at Christmas time
to tip the beggars cup

Who is there at Christmas time
to lift the sullen up?

Who is there at Christmas time
to visit sick and aged

Who is there at Christmas time
to help time wile away?

Who is there at Christmas time
that stop and give a thought

Who is there at Christmas time
hear cries that break a heart?

© Steve Sites


Mike said...

I think a lot of people forget, Christmas is not a happy time for everyone all the time.

Kentucky Dreamer said...

It's so sad. It reminds me of something I saw Christmas day. It seemed so poetic at the time and still does.

At a busy intersection surrounded by strip malls, gas stations, restaurants and heavy traffic was a hand made poster board sign taped to a pole. It simply said, "Happy Birthday, Jesus" in big black letters. It was striking. So is your poem, thank you.

Stephen Sites said...

Thanks to you both for reading.