Friday, December 19, 2008

Note to President-elect Obama

Bring us

understanding of the past

Bring us

hope for the present

Bring us

belief in the future

Bring us

peace for always

Bring us

together at last


Mike said...

Nice thoughts, Sue. I don't have much faith he can pull it off tho. My view is to be expected I guess; being farther right than the elephants. lol Liberals are just too leaky a vessel to put much hope in for my part of it.

Granny Sue said...


Me, I'm the mother of 3--count 'em, 3--Republican sons. And me a pragmatic leftie. Practical is my middle name--but idealistic? That's my first name. And patriotism is my heritage. I love this crazy land we live in. Especially I love that we can talk, express ourselves and listen to each other.

Mike said...

"I love this crazy land we live in. Especially I love that we can talk, express ourselves and listen to each other."

And that is the common thread that holds it all together as a nation; no matter where the individual stands.

Granny Sue said...
